Friday, December 29, 2017

Look Back

Look Back

Last year, we started schooling at University of Kelaniya. When we looked at the subjects, we had to get registered for a GNCT subject that was compulsory in both first year and second year. But not including any credits and mentioning that everyone has to pass the subject to obtain the degree. It was well known as Personal progress development.

We leant many things from this PPD session not only to academic and university life but also life.

It was a different subject module with comparing other subject modules. We leant many things, we enjoyed team works, we got knowledge and we collected many unforgettable memories and experience because of this session during two years. We were developed many skills for our lives.

In conclusion we should say the PPD is the most important and essential subject module for undergraduate to collect knowledge, life experience, develop life skills and enjoy the university life externally to the academic works. We should thank for our Miss Sarasi Senadeera and university authority to create such subject module and those sessions.

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Look Back

Look Back Last year, we started schooling at University of Kelaniya. When we looked at the subjects, we had to get registered for...